What's on my desk?

What's on my desk? Part 14.

Hi! Happy Easter and hopefully you have a nice holiday. The weather won't be very good, but that just gives us more modelling time! The San Francisco is sitting in...

What's on my desk? Part 14.

Hi! Happy Easter and hopefully you have a nice holiday. The weather won't be very good, but that just gives us more modelling time! The San Francisco is sitting in...

What's on my desk? Part 13.

Hi! First of all, my apologies about the missing part 12. I posted it under the wrong Blog category and as such it did not show up on the correct...

What's on my desk? Part 13.

Hi! First of all, my apologies about the missing part 12. I posted it under the wrong Blog category and as such it did not show up on the correct...

What's on my desk? Part 12.

Hello and welcome to a sunny Tuesday! Good news on the Mercedes front: the paint coat is finally done to my satisfaction. I even succeeded in filling some paint scratches....

What's on my desk? Part 12.

Hello and welcome to a sunny Tuesday! Good news on the Mercedes front: the paint coat is finally done to my satisfaction. I even succeeded in filling some paint scratches....

What's on my desk? Part 11.

Welcome to blog post 11. It's almost spring. That means longer days and more modelling time! The Mercedes body has been resprayed (again...). I really need to buck up and...

What's on my desk? Part 11.

Welcome to blog post 11. It's almost spring. That means longer days and more modelling time! The Mercedes body has been resprayed (again...). I really need to buck up and...

What's on my desk? Part 10.

We're already on part 10 of the blog! Still working on the Mercedes. I switched from GX-100 to VMS Gloss Varnish HD. Hopefully I'll be able to show some progress...

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What's on my desk? Part 10.

We're already on part 10 of the blog! Still working on the Mercedes. I switched from GX-100 to VMS Gloss Varnish HD. Hopefully I'll be able to show some progress...

1 comment

What's on my desk? Part 9.

Hello and welcome to a new week. What have I been up to last week? Mercedes-wise, not much has changed. I've failed to make any real progress and am starting...

What's on my desk? Part 9.

Hello and welcome to a new week. What have I been up to last week? Mercedes-wise, not much has changed. I've failed to make any real progress and am starting...