What's on my desk?

What's on my desk? Part 20.

Hello and welcome back. Let's dive straight in: the ARL is nearly finished. I added pigments to the lower hull and tracks to soften the dry mud edges and to...

What's on my desk? Part 20.

Hello and welcome back. Let's dive straight in: the ARL is nearly finished. I added pigments to the lower hull and tracks to soften the dry mud edges and to...

What's on my desk? Part 19.

Hello and welcome back! My week off has been re-invigorating, so we're back with a new blog post! First off, the ARL. I finished the streaking dirt and rust and...

What's on my desk? Part 19.

Hello and welcome back! My week off has been re-invigorating, so we're back with a new blog post! First off, the ARL. I finished the streaking dirt and rust and...

What's on my desk? Part 18.

Welcome to week 18. It's almost May already... I've got some progress in on the ARL. Tools were added to the front plate. These were painted in Tamiya Deck Tan...

What's on my desk? Part 18.

Welcome to week 18. It's almost May already... I've got some progress in on the ARL. Tools were added to the front plate. These were painted in Tamiya Deck Tan...

What's on my desk? Part 17.

Hi! Quick blog post this week. This morning I had a student in the shop to observe and help out for a bit, hence the late post. I've used some...

What's on my desk? Part 17.

Hi! Quick blog post this week. This morning I had a student in the shop to observe and help out for a bit, hence the late post. I've used some...

What's on my desk? Part 16.

Hi all. This week I've been making calls with a supplier of certain wargaming figures... More info to follow. The Mercedes 300SL is finally, completely done. Even though I'm not...

What's on my desk? Part 16.

Hi all. This week I've been making calls with a supplier of certain wargaming figures... More info to follow. The Mercedes 300SL is finally, completely done. Even though I'm not...

What's on my desk? Part 15.

Hi all, A short one this week, showing the progress on the Mercedes. It should be finished next week. All the chrome parts have been installed now. These need to...

What's on my desk? Part 15.

Hi all, A short one this week, showing the progress on the Mercedes. It should be finished next week. All the chrome parts have been installed now. These need to...