Build meet on Wednesday evenings!
Modelist organizes weekly free build meets in the store, on Wednesdays from 18:45h till 21:00h.
Bring along a project (or buy it at the store :-) ) and work on it in the company of other modellers for a few hours. The ideal moment to exchange tips, learn from each other and maybe get to know new techniques.
There is just one rule: Respect for everyone!
There's limited space, so please register. Registering can be done by sending an email to with subject 'registering build meet' with your name and the date(s) you'd like to attend. You can also register in the store or via socials. If you can't make it, please let me know as well, so I can re-open the spot.
Starting from August 14, every second Wednesday of the month will be dedicated to wargaming (with a focus on Warhammer games).