What's on my desk? Part 34.
It's the last week of the summer holidays. Welcome back to the build blog.
First off: the build meetings are getting popular. I'm going to start asking to register.
Then on to the builds:
The Virago is basically done already. I painted the seat with black-grey oil paints, so that will need a day more to thoroughly dry. I'm planning on applying a bit of weathering to bring out the tire pattern and the seat details.
Here's how it looks so far:
In the last one you can see the texture effect on the seat that I like oil paints so much for. The instruments still need a gloss coat to make them look like they're under glass.
The houses:
Baseboards have been installed and painted. I used Citadel Agrax Earthshade for three of them to get a darker wood effect. The others were painted in shades of the wall colour. The blue one is too dark, so I'll have to lighten it again.
You can see the inner roof timbers here. I'm making these out of 1x3mm wood strips leftover from the OcCre tram, cut to size. Once the whole thing is covered, I'll be putting up crosspieces made of the same strips.
Here's a close up. The slanted grey area on top is what the inner plastic face of the roof looks like. The wood is a big improvement on that, I think! The vertical piece is 3x3. I started with this one, but it was glued very well and I couldn't pry it loose anymore...
Finally I added an advertisement on the side of the grey building. It's a cut-off wall, so I also cut off half of the ad. Still needs a little bit of weathering:
That's it.
See you next week!