What's on my desk? Part 26.

Hi all. Holidays have started! Time to get building!

My dreadnought is finished. Here are some pictures:

The Tyranids have received a lick of paint on their tongues. I used a mixture of red and white to get a pink colour. The eyes were painted in mixtures of yellow and red. I tried to put in an iris in yellow and a pupil in black. Once again, I tried to vary the eye colours a bit. They still need some cleaning up, but I'm happy with the result.

On to the actual humans: the French tank crew is slowly progressing. The guy in the green jacket is starting to look like something. The jacket is finished, I'm now working on the trousers. His belt was painted in Burnt Sienna oil and I just realized I still need to paint the belt buckle. Luckily his arms aren't fixed yet.

I've made some great progress on the Miniart house. Or so I thought. When dry-fitting the window frames I discovered that the window spaces need a LOT more sanding. Fun times ahead! I'm sure it will be worth it, though. Here's the houses dry-fitted on the road piece:

These aren't ruins. They're cut off at an angle in the back. There are plastic floors provided with a simulated wood texture. The houses also have different roofs. The smaller one has a shingle roof, the bigger has roof tiles. I've started painting these. I primed them with Citadel spray Wraithbone, and then applied a few washes. The long floors and the shingles received an Ammo-Mig Dark Wash, the smaller floors got Citadel Agrax Earthshade, the tile roof got some Ammo-Mig Light Rust Wash. All these need work to make them more realistic-looking, but this already shows nicely what you can do with washes alone.

I also received something really cool today. I got two of the new Skaventide boxes. They're big and heavy (almost 5 kg) and are packed with stuff. Books, figures, game tokens, scenery... It's basically a full game in a box. I can't sell them until July 13, but you can see the contents here.

One more thing: 7-7 is Shopping Sunday in Mechelen, so I'll be open from 1 until 5.30-ish PM.

See you next week!

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