What's on my desk? Part 25.

Hello again!

Let's dive right in: the dreadnought is virtually finished. I added the fuel lines to the arm (one painted black/yellow and one painted metallic red), and added some damage & rust streaks to the shoulder.

I also finished the base, brushing pigments mixed with fixer in the joints, and gave it a final matt coat where needed. I then dusted the 'feet' of the walker and glued the whole thing to the cobbles using Uhu two-part epoxy.

There's a skull-in-mechanical-gear symbol cast on the back which I forgot to paint. That's the final thing to do this week on the dreadnought.


Next up: the squad of Tyranids. At first I thought this was going to be fun to paint, but I actually quickly tired of painting these. There's a lot of obscured areas due to the six arms and it's a pain to get a brush in there. I can't imagine painting dozens of these in one sitting. The base is Wraithbone, with a more or less diluted wash of Agrax Earthshade over it. The armor plates on the back and the legs were done with a couple of mixes of Naggaroth Night and either Kantor or Macragge Blue. That way not every figure has the exact same colour. Guns were painted with a mix of Wraithbone and Leadbelcher. Still to do: eyes and tongues.

The Space Marine conversion should also be finished this week. I painted the ammo box black, drybrushed it with gun metal, then over that I drybrushed some Macragge Blue. The straps were painted Wraithbone again and wil receive a brown wash to bring out the detail. I also glued the arm to the weapon.

Finally, I made some progress on the French tank crew. The green jacket is basically done (I might add an extra shade), the brown leather jacket still needs a lot of work. I based this in black, which was a bad idea. A white base coat would have made the brown colour a bit brighter.

Once again, apart from the base coats which were done in acrylics, everything is done in oils. I'd very much like to finish these so I can put the ARL in my window and start on a next project. Maybe the new Airfix Bristol Bulldog when it comes in?

That's it. See you next week!

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