What's on my desk? Part 24.

Hi again. June has half passed already. Time flies...

Here's what I've been doing this past week.

First of all: the dreadnought has received the last decals (the text on the 'parchment'), has been faded a bit with green oil paint, and has received some streaking with Ammo 'Starship Filth' oilbrusher. I've also assembled the thing. It looks quite cool. All that's missing now is the fuel lines on the left arm to the flamer attached to the hand.

The dreadnought base has also seen some nice progress. The dark wash on the cobblestones brought out the detail a bit, but it left the joints a bit too dark, so I went back over these with Light Dust Nature Effects (A.Mig-1401).

Once dry, I felt that this was too gray and needed some more colour, So I did the same thing again, this time with Kursk Soil (A.Mig-1400).

We're basically building up colours to get an interesting road base. The next step was pigments: Light Dust, mixed over my box-o'pigments with Europe Dust and Rubble (Rubble is A.Mig-3013, the old Mig Productions jars on the left are now available as A.Mig-3002 and A.Mig-3004). To top it off, I added some grass tufts from Model Scene in the places where I removed the cobbles.

I then sprinkled some laser-cut paper leaves (also from Model Scene). These are dry and dead leaves, so I painted the grass with some Deck Tan and Sandy Yellow to give them a more Autumn-ish apperance. I then flooded it all with VMS ENML 2.0 Binders to fix it all in place. Right now the finish is very glossy, so I'll need to knock that shine off, but it's looking good so far.

I wanted to convert one of the flamethrower Space Marines into a Gatling gunner, using one of the leftover options of the dreadnought. It required some minor surgery on the arms, but I did not have an ammo box for the weapon. I still have some leftover wood and copper from the Occre tram build, so I scratch-built a box using that and some tape. Still needs painting, of course.

Finally, the other army in the Introductory set I received from Games Workshop: a squad of Tyranids. I've assembled them and primed them. Still a lot of painting to do, but these look great. Every figure is slightly different and there's lots of detail to pick out.

That's all for now.

See you next week!

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