What's on my desk? Part 21.

Hello and welcome to the last week of May.

So, what have I been up to?

I've dusted the ARL gun barrel. Its blue colour is a bit more subdued now, making it fit in better with the rest of the tank. Two more issues to fix: the headlights need some glass lenses. Unfortunately I lost these, so I'm going to have to try to fil them with Micro Kristal Klear. Second thing: there's a tow cable wrapped around the front glacis. In the kit there's a small length of string with two plastic eyelets. Experience has taught me that painting string is not a good idea. It frays and hairs of the material stand out. So I'm going to replace it with some metal wire I still have lying around. Both of these are at home and I keep forgetting to bring them in to the shop...

On to Warhammer!

I've made an effort to actually progress on painting the Space Marines and I think I succeeded. These three are as good as done. Needs a little more weathering and some work on the bases, but I'm pretty happy with the result. There's one more figure, but I'm going to try and give that one a different weapon.

The dreadnought has progressed nicely, as well. The base coat is down and I've painted a lot of the details. Most of this is Citadel, but there's a few oils and Ammo-Mig paints on there as well.

The green is very dark and dull at the moment, but I'm going to chip and weather this thing quite heavily, so it will come alive as I progress.

The blue coils on the plasma rifle were done with a base coat of Ammo Warhead Metallic Blue (A.Mig-0196) and then drybrushed with Sky Line Blue (A.Mig-0224). I saw a video on YouTube yesterday showing how to add a white wash with oil paint to really make it glow, so I'm going to try that next.


Last weekend there was a small expo organised by MSC De Locloods, showing off some of their model railroads. I paid them a quick visit on Sunday. Here are some pictures. As you can see they're making some really cool stuff, in all kinds of scales.


This Sunday it's Scaleworld 2024! Scaleworld is one of the larger model shows in Belgium, it's free and takes place in Geel. I will have a small stand there, so if you're there, come say hi!

See you next week (or Sunday :-) ).


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