What's on my desk? Part 20.

Hello and welcome back.

Let's dive straight in: the ARL is nearly finished. I added pigments to the lower hull and tracks to soften the dry mud edges and to make sure the tracks have a similar colour as the rest of the tank.


Basically the only thing left to do is treat the cannon barrel. It's still too clean compared to the rest of the tank. Hopefully next week this one is done!


Moving on to the Dreadnought, I've started painting the beast. To begin with, the bare metal parts were painted black, then drybrushed with gun metal. This gives a nice heavy metal effect.

Once all this was dry, I assembled the legs and started laying down some colour. I'm going for a Salamanders dreadnought, just because the markings look cool (dragons and fire!). Salamanders colour is green, so I chose Tamiya XF-11 J.N. Green. This is the colour Japanese land-based Zeros were painted in. I'm brush painting it, thinning it with water and laying down multiple thin layers. You can see on top a first layer, and down below on the left leg (right on the picture) it's nearing the final colour. This will need highlighting and weathering, of course, but it's a nice base paint coat.

That's it for this week.


This weekend there's an open door & expo at MSC De Locloods model railway club. I'm a sponsor, so if you have a chance, drop by and check 'em out.

See you next week!

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