What's on my desk? Part 18.

Welcome to week 18. It's almost May already...

I've got some progress in on the ARL. Tools were added to the front plate. These were painted in Tamiya Deck Tan and then some Burnt Sienna oil paint was used to simulate the wooden handles. The metal parts are black with a metal colour drybrushed over it.

The rear plate has also received its streaking grime.

On the turret I've added some Light Dust pigments over the lower area, bringing out the weld line there.

Getting close to the finish line here. Next step is adding dust and dry mud on the hull.

My next 'out-of-my-comfort-zone' project is this one: a nice very chrome-y motorbike. Again by Tamiya, this is an older kit, but it should still build up into something cool looking.

And finally: This week saw the arrival of Warhammer stuff at Modelist! As a welcoming present, Games Workshop gave me some boxes to try out. My first Space Marine out of these boxes has now been painted:

Still needs his backpack/jetpack, but it's looking quite cool, if I do say so myself.

I think I'll be trying out some different methods of weathering. This one was base painted, then with a lighter shade some highlights were added, and some shadows with darkened paint and a brown wash. I may see if oils give me a better highlight effect on the next figure.


I'll be closing for a week starting tomorrow. I'll be back in action on May 8. As a result there won't be a build log next week.

I will be open on May 9th, and on May 11 there will be a wargaming session in the shop again.

See you next week!

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