What's on my desk? Part 17.


Quick blog post this week.

This morning I had a student in the shop to observe and help out for a bit, hence the late post.

I've used some oil paints on the ARL to simulate rust and rain marks. Oils being oils, they dry very slowly, which means I didn't get to do a lot of work. Still, I think it looks good. Here are some pictures.

Turret side: some streaking rust using a red/brown mix. Then some rain & dust marks using white and Starship Filth oils.

Turret top: same colours, but instead of streaking, it got spread out in a random fashion.

Tank side: I tried to get some of the white rain marks on the door to look as if they got wiped off by the crew. Not sure if the effect is convincing, though...


And then some big news: this morning I received 11 packages of all kinds of Warhammer stuff. From now on I'll be selling Games Workshop models and paints, books and magazines. The welcome package included some goodies for me as well. I've been painting some Space Marines, but it's going slowly. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the molds and the sharpness of some of the detail. The models are quite intricate, so I'm trying to make sure I get the figures looking as well as I can.

Here's some heads:

See you next week!

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